" ... We are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters. ..."
Our group is dedicated to teaching at all levels. Our goal is to make students familiar with the theoretical background in microbiology, but also to teach a vast variety of techniques including protein biochemisty, microscopy and genetics.
Biol 112: Genetik und Mikrobiologie: Vorlesung und Praktikum
Biol 116: Kommunikation in der Wissenschaft: Kleingruppenprojekt
Biol 119: Vernetzung: Kleingruppenprojekt
Biol 180: Microbial Biochemistry and Biotechnology: Lecture and course (in Englisch).
Biol 123: Begleitmodul zur Bachelorarbeit
Bachelor thesis project
Biology Master
Biol 239: Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Prokaryotes. Lecture, Seminar and practical course.
Biol 206: Methods competence
Biol 275 Microbial Biochemistry and Cell Biology: Research project
Masters thesis project
Master of Science Molecular Biology and Evolution
Biol 601: Molecular Biology of Dynamic Processes: lecture
Biol 608: Development of a Scientific Project
Masters thesis project