Dr. Fabian Meyer
Research topics & projects
Microscopy, Computational Image Analysis, Bacterial Cell Wall, Antibiotics
Education & positions
since 2024 Postdoc
2021-2023 Project leader Genetech safety AG Bramkamp
2016-2024 PhD student, Project: Bacterial cell biology, Ludwigs-
Maximilian-Universität (LMU), München/ Christian-Albrechts-
Universität zu Kiel (CAU), Kiel
2012 - 2015 Biology (MSc), Ludwigs-Maximilian-Universität (LMU), München
2008 - 2012 Food technology (BSc), FH-Weihenstephan (HSWT), Freising
Pöhl S, Giacomelli G, Meyer FM, Kleeberg V, Cohen EJ, Biboy J, Rosum J, Glatter T, Vollmer W, van Teeseling MCF, Heider J, Bramkamp M, Thanbichler M. Nat Commun. 2024 Sep 2;15(1):7616.
Giacomelli G*, Feddersen H*, Peng F, Martins GB, Grafemeyer M, Meyer F, Mayer B, Graumann PL, Bramkamp M. Subcellular Dynamics of a Conserved Bacterial Polar Scaffold Protein. Genes (Basel). 2022 Jan 30;13(2):278.
Messelink JJ*, Meyer F*, Bramkamp M, Broedersz CP. Single-cell growth inference of Corynebacterium glutamicum reveals asymptotically linear growth. Elife. 2021 Oct 4;10:e70106. doi: 10.7554/eLife.70106.
Ramirez-Diaz DA, Merino-Salomón A, Meyer F, Heymann M, Rivas G, Bramkamp M, Schwille P. FtsZ induces membrane deformations via torsional stress upon GTP hydrolysis. Nat Commun. 2021 Jun 3;12(1):3310.
Peschek N, Herzog R, Singh PK, Sprenger M, Meyer F, Fröhlich KS, ... & Papenfort K. (2020) RNA-mediated control of cell shape modulates antibiotic resistance in Vibrio cholerae. Nature communications, 11(1), 1-11.
Böhm K, Giacomelli G, Meyer F, Bramkamp M. Chromosome Organization and Cell Growth of Corynebacterium glutamicum. In: Inui M., Toyoda K. (eds) Corynebacterium glutamicum. Microbiology Monographs, vol 23. 2020, Springer, Cham.
Schubert K, Sieger B, Meyer F, Giacomelli G, Böhm K, Rieblinger A, Lindenthal L, Sachs N, Wanner G, Bramkamp M. The Antituberculosis Drug Ethambutol Selectively Blocks Apical Growth in CMN Group Bacteria. mBio. 2017 Feb 7;8(1):e02213-16.
Böhm K, Meyer F, Rhomberg A, Kalinowsk J, Donovan C, & Bramkamp M. (2017) Novel Chromosome Organization Pattern in Actinomycetales —Overlapping Replication Cycles Combined with Diploidy. MBio, 8(3), e00511-17.
Briciu VT, Flonta M, Ţăţulescu DF, Meyer F, Sebah D, Cârstina D, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, Hizo-Teufel C, Huber I, Fingerle V, LupÈ™e M. Clinical and serological one-year follow-up of patients after the bite of Ixodes ricinus ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Infect Dis (Lond). 2017 Apr;49(4):277-285.
Briciu VT, Sebah D, Coroiu G, LupÅŸe M, Cârstina D, Ţăţulescu DF, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, LeucuÅ£a D, Meyer F, Hizo-Teufel C, Fingerle V, Huber I. Immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR as diagnostic tools for detection of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in ticks collected from humans. Exp Appl Acarol. 2016 May;69(1):49-60.
Briciu VT, Meyer F, Sebah D, Tăţulescu DF, Coroiu G, Lupşe M, Carstina D, Mihalca AD, Hizo-Teufel C, Klier C, Huber I, Fingerle V. Real-time PCR-based identification of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato species in ticks collected from humans in Romania. Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 2014 Sep;5(5):575-81.